Chicco Manual Breast Pump
Chicco is an Italian brand with over 60 years of global experience designed with safety and comfort to help children at every stage. Chicco is constantly working to create the best products while respecting people and the environment, with a perspective to future generations. Chicco never fails to track style trends and explore new innovations to create a range of fashionable and practical baby gear. Â
How to use :
Wash your hands and make sure the pump and its parts are clean.
Find a private and comfortable place where you can relax and think about your baby.
Start by hand expressing, which means massaging the breast in a pumping motion, to stimulate your milk flow.
Place the flange of the pump over your nipple and make sure it is centered and flat on your breast.
Use your hand to pump the lever or bulb rhythmically, creating a suction that imitates your baby’s sucking pattern.
Familialist’s recommendation:
We highly recommend using this product in which ensures the maximum delicacy.