Chicco Physio Comfort Silicone Soothers (6-16 m)
Chicco is an Italian brand with over 60 years of global experience designed with safety and comfort to help children at every stage. Chicco is constantly working to create the best products while respecting people and the environment, with a perspective to future generations. Chicco never fails to track style trends and explore new innovations to create a range of fashionable and practical baby gear.
How to use :
Special tiny ridges: mimic the natural ridges of the palate, and serve as a point of reference to guide the tongue into the correct position. Lateral curves: evenly distributes tongue pressure across the palate, allowing it to form correctly. A thin, concave shape that points upwards: leaves room for the natural position of the tongue.
Familialist’s recommendation:
We highly recommend Chicco Physio Comfort Silicone Soothers (2 pcs) because it is 100% silicone, orthodontic, and comes in different patterns.