Suresign 6 Day Early Pregnancy Test
The brand has a long history dating back over 30 years and has become a trusted choice for people. Suresign’s product range includes a variety of medical diagnostic test The brand’s products are designed to provide accurate and reliable results, enabling consumers to monitor their health effectively.
A rapid one test for the qualitive detection. Can be used early to 6 days before yur missed period.
How to use :
When you are ready to use,take the test stick out of the foil.Put the test stick into the holder making sure the arrows line up opposite to each others.Put the absorbent tip downwards to your urine stream for 5 seconds.Within one minute,a symbol will flash showing you the test is working.Flashing smiley face increases your chance of getting pregnant. Non flashing smiley face maximizes your chance of being pregnant.
Familialist’s recommendation:
We highly recommend using this test inorder to get the accurate results needed.